Materials Recovery Specialist
Recycling Attendants
Indiana’s solid waste management districts are governed by a board of directors made up elected officials that represent local governmental bodies. All district board members serve by virtue of their locally elected office.
The Knox County Recycling and Solid Waste Management District’s Board of Directors is comprised of the three County Commissioners, one member of the Knox County Council and one representative from Vincennes City Council and the mayors of the two largest towns in Knox County, Vincennes and Bicknell.
The individuals currently serving on the District’s Board are:
Mayor Thomas Estabrook
Mayor Joe Yochum
TJ Brink
Tim Ellerman
Kellie Streeter
Ed Gornall
County Council RepRESENTATIVES
Mary Crismore
To ensure Knox County residents have input into solid waste and recycling issues, the legislation that created Indiana’s solid waste management districts requires that each district maintain a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC).
The CAC must include representatives of the solid waste management industry, the environmental community and other concerned citizens knowledgeable about and interested in environmental issues and not employed by the solid waste management industry.Susan GrowPam SingletonJennifer HolscherStacey JohnsonTerry & Breeze JohnsonKenneth RobertsSuzan MorganLarry & Linda SuttererKaren Bible
The individuals currently serving on the committee are:
Susan Grow
Pam Singleton
Jennifer Holscher
Stacey Newman
Terry & Breeze Johnson
Kenneth Roberts
Suzan Morgan
Larry & Linda Sutterer
Lorie Hansen